Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Welcome Back to Red Lake Schools Breakfast held at Red Lake Events Center

On Tuesday, August 27, 2013, exactly one week before the first day of school for students, Red Lake Schools held a Welcome Back Breakfast at the Red Lake Casino Events Center.

This welcoming back of teachers and staff included breakfast, an Opening Blessing by Don Kingbird, and welcoming addresses by Red Lake Tribal Chairman Floyd "Buck" Jourdain, Jr. and Red Lake School Board Chairman Michael Barrett.

Superintendent Ev Arnold was the MC, and other School Board members in attendance included Vice-Chair Robert McClain, Treasurer Roy Nelson and Director Chris Jourdain. Board Clerk Barb Thomas and Director Darwin Sumner were unable to make the event.

Other activities included recognition and welcome by Union Presidents Dave Evenson, Heather Forseen and Eli Ramirez, introduction of New Administrators or Change of Responsibilities, introductions of New Staff by Building Principals, and remarks from Minnesota Department of Education Dennis Olson, Director of Indian Education

In closing, Superintendent Arnold talked about Civility and the formation of the new Task Force that was formed to address those types of issues.

There were about 300 teachers, administrators, and other staff members in attendance of this Welcoming Breakfast. Red Lake Schools appears ready to take on the challenges of a new school year.


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