Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Red Lake IHS Hospital supports World Breastfeeding Week August 1-7, 2013

Fifty seven years ago, seven breastfeeding mothers came together and realized that their abilities to breastfeed their own infants came from being provided with information, education and emotional support from each other. They also realized that many other mothers who longed to breastfeed could be enabled to do so if those around them, their peers, had the knowledge and skills to be supportive. La Leche League International (LLL) was launched, spearheading a renewed breastfeeding movement. Mother-to-mother support was born, and this movement would cover the globe.

Many women find that meeting together regularly as a group to share experiences and knowledge and to support each other through the whole breastfeeding experience is invaluable. However at times women need skilled one-to-one practical help. This is often best given in the woman's own home. So from the mother support groups came the consent of the individual peer counselor, (sometimes called peer supporter), and home visits developed. Now there are a variety of ways in which mothers can get support close to where they are. For more information visit

The Red Lake IHS Hospital also has lots of information on breastfeeding. Please call one of our RN Care Managers or Nurses for further information at 218-679-0222.


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