Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Film On Indigenous/Traditional Foods on Lakeland Public TV Thursday

Lakeland Public Television and The Indigenous Environmental Network's have collaborated to produce a Indigenous/traditional foods. The one hour documentary, entitled Regaining Food Sovereignty airs this Thursday, June 20th at 8pm. The program will be repeated on Saturday June 22, at 9 pm.

Sharing the old ways, elders talk about hunting and gathering natural foods such as roots, berries, game, fish, and of course will rice. SWith diabetes and obesity at epidemic proportions, today a new generation is trying to revitalize that culture or "Regaining Food Sovereignty."

The film team takes us from a Buffalo Harvest at Yankton SD, to explaining how colonialism and the commodity system has harmed indigenous peoples, to telling the story of fry bread.

Red Lake members or residents interviewed for the film include; Angie Fastwolf, Anna Gibbs, Kevin Hart, Sr. Floyd Jourdain, Jr., David Manuel, Darwin Sumner, and Adelle Zephier. Several people from Leech Lake and White Earth were also interviewed.


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