Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Beltrami Electric Legislative Call to Action

We need your help in keeping your electric bills affordable. Beltrami Electric Cooperative along with Minnesota Rural Electric Association who represents all Minnesota Electric Cooperatives is working to eliminate many of the intrusive mandates that have been contained in Energy Policy bills at the Minnesota Legislature. These mandates include a Solar Energy Standard, Solar Tax and expanded Distributed Generation and Net-metering laws.

We ask that you please contact our representatives and senators and ask them to NOT support any legislation that includes energy mandates that will increase Cooperative members’ electric bills. HF 956 is the bill we are currently working with, and we expect SF 901 to be in committee form shortly. We will update information on these bills via a “Legislative Update” link on our website as they move through the legislative process. In addition, you will also find key talking points and a sample message there if you need it.

The House Floor could vote on HF 956 soon so we would appreciate your Voice in the form of an e-mail sent to the following who represent the Beltrami Electric Cooperative service area and the Governor.

Governor Mark Dayton -

Rep. Roger Erickson –

Rep. John Persell –

Sen. Tom Saxhaug –

Sen. Rod Skoe –

Thank you for your help on this issue. As a member-owner your voice matters.

Best Wishes,

Lynette Nieuwsma, CEO

Beltrami Electric Cooperative


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