Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Public Meeting to Update the Beltrami County Hazard Mitigation Plan

Where: Beltrami County Board Room, 701 Minnesota Ave NW

When: March 19, 2013; at 7:00p.m. (Immediately following the Board Meeting)

Who: Everyone is welcome and encouraged to come. Refreshments of cookies and coffee will be provided.

Why: To review work done to-date on the Beltrami County Hazard Mitigation Plan and to provide input about what steps you think should be taken to reduce the impacts of hazards.

Beltrami County, with support from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Minnesota Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, is updating their hazard mitigation plan.

What is hazard mitigation?

Hazard mitigation is taking action to reduce the occurrence of or impacts from a hazard. Examples of hazards in Beltrami County include: floods, wildfires, and tornados.

Actions taken to mitigate hazards might include educating people about wildfires, making sure people don’t build in a flood prone area, or building tornado safe rooms in schools and other public places.

We want your input!

Public Open House – Please attend the above described open house for the public. Come see the planning work done to-date. We’ve identified a handful of hazards affecting the community and some strategies to reduce their impacts. We want your feedback, do we have right, wrong, are we missing something? Do you have an idea or thought you’d like to share with us?

Contact Us - If you have any questions or just want to give us your two cents, please contact Marcus Grubbs at Headwaters Regional Development Commission.

Phone 763.242.6448 or Email

Or contact Beryl Wernberg, Beltrami County Emergency Manager, at


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