Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

The Red Lake Class of 2008 is seeking help to travel to Connecticut

The Red Lake Class of 2008 is seeking help to travel to Connecticut and show their support to the survivors, the victims families and the town in general, as they too are survivors of such a tragic event that took place here in Northern Minnesota.

When the School shooting happened in Red Lake, students who survived the Columbine school shooting came to Red Lake to show their support for the community, the survivors and for the families who lost their loved ones. This meant so much to the community, and now it is our turn. These students know the heartbreak and loss that this town is going through and would like nothing more than to be there to show that they are not ALONE.

The donation account is set up at the First National Bank of bemidji, account information is New Town Collections GF01 23004, phone number: 218-751-2430.

This is all the information that was provided.


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