Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Mud River Restoration Update

RLDNR with technical assistance from MN DNR with Northern Engineering and Consulting INC and Red Lake Builders are collaboratively working together on the Mud River stream restoration. We are excavating a new 500’ channel to meander the stream as well as adding in riffles and pools to restore the stream’s pattern, profile, and dimension as it used to be before the dam was put in the 1920’s. If you drive by you will notice the excavator creating a new meandering channel. You will also notice a lot of wood at the site. This is better than rock riprap as it provides excellent habitat for fish. It is also a natural, cost effective method of bank stabilization.

The ultimate goal of the RLDNR project is fish passage by reconnecting Mud River to Red Lake. This year a new bridge crossing Mud River will be constructed and the old dam and bridge removed. Rock arch riffles will be placed to maintain the water slope. These riffles will be great spawning areas for walleye and other fish such as trout. Make sure to read a copy of the RLDNR newsletter for addition details and photos.


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