Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Red Lake DNR: Recommendations for Days with Smoky Conditions

The Wannaska Fire complex (ten miles northwest) of Upper Red Lake is causing smoke in the towns of Red Lake, Redby, and Ponemah, Link to Wannaska Fire Complex

Although it may smell good, smoke isn’t good for you. Healthy people may not be at risk from smoke, but it’s still a good idea to avoid breathing it in when possible.

Smoke is made up of a mixture of gases and fine particles. The biggest health threat from smoke comes from fine particles, which can get into your eyes and respiratory system, where they can cause health problems. Smoke can cause:

 Irritated eyes and airways,

 coughing,

 a scratchy throat,

 irritated sinuses,

 headaches,

 stinging eyes or a runny nose

When there are smoky conditions, it is a good idea to follow the following recommendations given by the American Lung Association (ALA) to help keep you and your family safe:

General recommendations-

 Remain indoors and avoid inhalation of smoke, ashes, and particulate matter in the area.

 Do not exercise outdoors, especially if you smell smoke or notice eye or throat irritation.

 Extra precaution should be taken for children, who are more susceptible to smoke.

 When driving your car in smoky areas, keep your windows and vents closed.

People with respiratory problems and chronic heart disease should-

 Stay inside as much as possible, with doors, windows and fireplace dampers shut.

 Asthma patients can follow the asthma action plan developed with their physician. Do not hesitate to take your medication.

 If outdoor trips in smoky areas are necessary, breathe through a damp cloth to help filter out particles in the air.

 People using oxygen should not adjust their levels of intake before consulting a physician.

 If you have any concerns or questions please contact your physician.

For more information and recommendations from ALA, see their website at

Updated Minnie Lake Fire Map - 10/3/12:

Michael Beaulieu from Red Lake DNR Fire Prevention, stated that the smoke in and around Red Lake is from the fires north of the reservation. There are no large fires on the Reservation. He said this smoke is going to be here for all day yesterday and maybe today. There should be no burning of any kind for the next few days because of the severe dry conditions.


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