Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

70% of Minnesotans Disapprove of President’s Health Care Law

MINNEAPOLIS –Americans for Prosperity-Minnesota, the state’s leading advocate for economic freedom and prosperity, released the results from a large poll conducted at the Minnesota State Fair on the President’s health care law and its impact on Minnesotans. Over 1,925 fair attendees completed the poll in person and online.

“After collecting the opinions of nearly 2,000 Minnesotans, it is clear the majority of those surveyed are fearful of the higher costs and lower quality of care that the President’s health care law imposes through countless new regulations and over 20 new taxes on Minnesota families and small businesses,” said John Cooney, Minnesota State Director of Americans for Prosperity.

Four questions were asked of fair attendees August 23 - September 3. 72% of respondents believe their insurance costs will increase, 70% believe their quality of care will decline, and 77% believe their taxes will increase to fund ObamaCare. 68% of respondents believe ObamaCare should be repealed entirely.

“The impact of this new law will be felt by Minnesotans across the board, whether or not they already have health insurance coverage. Many will lose their coverage already provided to them by an employer and many will see their rates increase as hundreds of billions in new spending hit all of us,” said Cooney.

Americans for Prosperity has actively opposed President Obama’s deeply flawed health care plan for several years. Since 2009, our Hands Off My Health Care project has rallied thousands of Americans at hundreds of events around the country, including a massive rally this past March with over 4,000 AFP activists.

To interview Minnesota State Director John Cooney, contact him at (612) 655-6551 or

Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is a nationwide organization of citizen-leaders committed to advancing every individual’s right to economic freedom and opportunity. AFP believes reducing the size and intrusiveness of government is the best way to promote individual productivity and prosperity for all Americans. For more information, visit


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