Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Turning Your Entrepreneurial Ideas Into A Meaningful Business

REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN - Training is at New Beginnings

About the Bold Thinking Workshop

Developing a new business in Indian country presents unique development challenges not only for the business but also for the entrepreneur that desires to create, develop, and launch the new business.

It is also important for new entrepreneurs to recognize that being an entrepreneur in Indian country means that you are a part of a cultural as well as an economic community.

The Bold Thinking workshop is designed for those entrepreneurs who have been working on their plans or businesses and helps them develop a new set of entrepreneurial competencies that will make their businesses more sustainable and better able to attract the resources they need to launch.

This workshop enhances other business development training by focusing on opportunity identification and resource definition as primary skill sets. This workshop is conducted by an entrepreneur who speaks to entrepreneurs from the viewpoint of understanding how your business needs to operate in order to be sustainable.

Date: Monday, June 4, 2012

Time: 9:00 am—4:00 pm



23750 Highway 1 East

Red Lake, MN 56671


Workshop is free and includes workshop materials and lunch.

Attendees are responsible for travel and lodging costs.

You must register on or before May 31, 2012 to attend

For More Information Contact:

Pamela Standing

Phone: 218-847-9554


Turning Your Entrepreneurial Ideas

Into A Meaningful Business

Who Should Attend

 Entrepreneurs who have a

business idea

 Entrepreneurs who are in the

development stage of their

business idea or plan

 Entrepreneurs who have started a business

Registration is limited to 25 participants


Jeff Stamp, Ph.D.

Founder, Bold Thinking, LLC

Dr. Stamp has built 7 different suc-cessful entrepreneurial

startups. He has taught at over 35 universities across the world and most recently as endowed chair of entrepreneurship at the University of North Dakota, which placed in the top twenty-five undergraduate

programs in entrepreneurship by Entrepreneur Magazine and the Princeton Review during his service.


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