Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

New RLHS Band Holds Concert

On Wednesday, December 14, 2011, at 2:30 PM, the Red Lake High School Band held it's first concert of the year in the Mini Theater.

Directed by music teacher, Julie Aas, they performed four Christmas numbers to a full house.

Band members include, Daven White, Angel Stillday, Ahlena Blue, Kathy Sigana, FaLeisha Desjarlait, Shauntay Roy, Gracelyn Perkins, Seleasha Roy, Tati McClain, Kendra Dow, Harley Hart, Bruce Johnson, Ty Johnson, Sara Seki, and Josh Desjarlait.

A reception was held afterwards, and a spring concert might be in the works.


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