Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Honoring Red Lake Nation Veterans and Math Carnival held at RLHS

On Thursday, November 17, 2011, parents and students played a variety of math activities at the "Math Carnival" They received prizes such as pencils, erasers, rulers, snacks and calculators. Each activity was lead by a great group of High School students who participate in the 21st Century After-School Program. Thirty parents/guardians and about the same number of students attended.

A turkey dinner was provided in honor of and to express our thanks to the Red Lake Nation Veterans. This event was sponsored by RLHS Parent Advisory Commitee. Future events will be held monthly throughout the school year. Watch for notices.

Any parents/guardians of high school students interested in participating with the committee contact Susan L. Ninham, Assistant High School Principal.

Winners of the turkeys:

Carrie Lasley-McClain

Moonie Johnson

Nicole Charnoski

Tom Charnoski, Jr.

Ruby Wind

Linda Perkins

Tins Stately

Robyn Isham

Bill Chaboyea

Connie Chaboyea


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