Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Free Lead Based Paint Risk Assessments for Red Lake Homes

The Red Lake DNR Environmental Program is looking for homes to test for lead. The criteria for home selection is:

• Built prior to 1978 (definite or suspected),

• Children 0-6 years of age residing in that home or,

• A home where children spend a reasonable amount of time (like say a grandparent’s home).

It doesn’t matter if it is a rental unit or an owned home, as long as it’s pre-1978 and accessible. This service is all free. It will take up to 3-4 hours to complete the testing.

For more information or to schedule a time to have your home tested, call Jennifer Godwin at (218) 679-3959 or send an email to by June 10, 2011.


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