Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Exploring Silk Painting Techniques

Exploring Silk Painting Techniques

Blank Canvas Gallery and Education Center in Park Rapids, a Minnesota nonprofit art organization, is offering a workshop to learn about silk painting techniques with noted Minnesota artist Jo Hill on June 15th & 16th. Class time each day will be 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Jo Hill's studio, 15391 Cranberry Drive, Park Rapids.

Hill has long time experience in silk painting and other textile art forms and is always willing to share her knowledge with others who want to learn about textile art and silk painting.

In this exploratory workshop - the participant will:

a) Explore several techniques of silk dye application.

b) Learn to control the dye on a project.

c) Plan and execute samples exploring color, color mixing and shading.

d) Be instructed in the various steps taken in creating a silk scarf painting. (Students may return individually to create a scarf at no additional cost.)

Class size is limited - Registration deadline is June 10th.

For details & information on cost or to register for the workshop contact:

Bickey Bender, 218-732-8679 or Cell: 218-616-0477

Or check the BCG website

Blank Canvas Gallery and Education Center

P.O. Box 721, 311 Main Ave. S.

Park Rapids, MN 56470 PH: 218-237-2770


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