Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

7 Sets of Twins at Red Lake Head Start

The Red Lake Head Start Program has had multiple sets of twins enrolled in their program over the years--as many as 4 sets. But this year they've had the most ever with seven of them. That's right, seven sets of twins are now currently enrolled in the Head Start Program.

They are:

Jacob and Joshua Anderson - Parents Melissa Lussier and Whitey Anderson

Angel and Angelo Fisherman - Parents Krista Fisherman and Clayton Francis

Landen and Logan Neadeau - Parents Joshua Neadeau and Danielle Defoe

Edward and Daniel Jones - Parents Roland Roy Jr. and Jocelyn Jones

Delilah and Danielle Stately - Parents Alicia White and Jeff Stately

Timara and Alexia Lussier - Parent Emily Downwind

Kylie and Ethan Smith - Parents Charles Smith III and Jennifer Jourdain


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