Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Internet scam involving false use of FBI name and credentials- May 4, 2011

Another internet scam was reported this week to the Beltrami County Sheriff’s Office. A local business owner received an email solicitation purporting to be from the FBI on official looking FBI letterhead with an illegible signature from the actual FBI Director Robert Mueller.

Also on the letterhead was information relating to a Nigerian address with the symbol of a red and white eagle. The email was demanding personal information. Subsequent investigation revealed this scam has been used for the last 3-4 years in various locations of the United States.

Citizens receiving this type of email should be aware the FBI would never communicate with citizens by email in such a way. Residents who receive a similar solicitation for information may go to the website: (Internet Crime Complaint Center) to file a complaint.

Everyone is reminded to never reply to any unsolicited emails or telephone calls or provide any personal information over the telephone or via email to anyone with whom you are not familiar or have not sought out yourself.


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