Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Articles from the August 2, 2019 edition

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    Aug 2, 2019

    SACATON, Ariz. – A crowd nearly 1,000 strong came out on Saturday, July 27, 2019, to help the Gila River Indian Community (the Community) and the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) commemorate an important milestone for Community members, DOI and Indian Country: The ribbon-cutting and grand opening of the Gila Crossing Community School, a state-of-the-art, newly constructed Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) school meant to serve over 500 K-8 students on the Gila River Indian Reservation. T...

  • Illinois passes bipartisan law to allow hunting education classes in school curriculum

    Aug 2, 2019

    Wedged in among the basics of science, math and English, a new bipartisan measure in Illinois now gives school districts the option to build hunting safety education into the daily curriculum. The legislation, signed Friday by Gov. J.B. Pritzker, a Democrat, and put into immediate effect, aims to bolster hunter and gun safety for students.

  • $1.7M still missing after scam targets North Carolina county

    Aug 2, 2019

    CONCORD, N.C. — Officials say a North Carolina county got scammed when criminals posing as representatives of a construction contractor tricked county workers into transferring about $2.5 million into a bogus account. The money was meant for construction of a new high school in Cabarrus County. A bank managed to freeze some of the transfer once officials realized they were being scammed, but about $1.7 million remains missing.

  • The other school funding divide: States with more poor students tend to spend less, creating hard-to-fix disparities

    Aug 2, 2019

    The image of school funding inequities in the American mind is often urban schools serving predominantly low-income students of color going without, while just miles away, suburban schools serve more white, affluent students in gleaming facilities with an army of college counselors. Those “savage inequalities,” as they were termed in a prominent 1991 book, certainly still exist in some parts of the country. There’s another key driver of school funding inequity, though, one that is harder to see and might be harder to fix: massive diffe...

  • New Details Emerge Over Representative Grossell's Arrest

    Malaak Khattab, Lakeland News|Aug 2, 2019

    A Minnesota lawmaker cursed at a nurse, disrupted the Regions Hospital emergency room and accused police officers of brutality in May, according to the St. Paul Pioneer Press. Matt Grossell, 53, of Clearbrook was issued a citation for disorderly conduct and trespassing following altercations with security guard and St. Paul police at the Best Western Kelly Inn in St. Paul and later with staff and police at Regions. The new details, contained in supplemental police reports, provide a more graphic account of what has already been reported,...