Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Articles from the June 24, 2021 edition

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  • In a Remote Amazon Region, Study Shows Indigenous Peoples Have Practiced Forest Conservation for Millennia

    Jun 24, 2021

    The Amazon, the world's largest and most biodiverse tropical forest, spanning nine countries and more than 2.3 million square miles, was once thought by scholars to hold untamed, unaltered, pristine wilderness. However, the Amazon rainforest has long been home to many indigenous societies. In recent decades, researchers have found evidence of the many ways since prehistoric times that Indigenous peoples have shaped forest composition and its diversity, and domesticated native plants. The human...

  • Remains of Ten Native American Children Who Died at Government Boarding School Return Home After 100 Years

    Jun 24, 2021

    After nearly a century, the remains of ten Native American children buried in a Pennsylvania borough will be disinterred and returned to their families, reports Rebecca Johnson for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Archaeologists began the delicate disinterment process this past weekend. Some family members have already traveled-or will soon travel-to Carlisle to accompany the remains on their journey home. The cemetery grounds will likely remain closed to visitors through July 17. These ten...

  • Harris elected to national broadcasters board

    Jun 24, 2021

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – Chickasaw Nation South Central Oklahoma Radio Enterprise (SCORE) Broadcasting General Manager Roger Harris will serve a third term on the National Association of Broadcasters Radio and Television Board (NAB). Harris’ election to a two-year term began in June. Harris manages radio stations KADA, KYKC, KTLS and KXFC in Ada, owned and operated by the Chickasaw Nation. NAB is an advocacy group promoting positive legislation for American radio and television stations. “We work with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)...