Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Round Dance Fundraiser held at Little Rock Center - P4

Proceeds for the Darren "Scruff" Cook Sr. 4th Annual Memorial Singing Contest

LITTLEROCK COMMUNITY -A Round Dance Fundraiser was held at the Little Rock Center on Saturday, December 9, 2017. The event was to raise funds for the Darren "Scruff" Cook Sr. 4th Year Memorial Singing Contest.

No payouts or honorariums were offered, but a lot of singers were there in support of this event, and everyone was welcome to participate.

There was good singing and dancing, along with cake walks, raffles and Taco-in-a-Bag for purchase.

The event was MCed by Wes Jourdain, with the sound system provided by RC Soundz.


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