Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Neighborhood and Voter Night Out -Rail River Folk School, Universidad Sin Fronteras, Neighborhoods Organzing for Change, and You!

Contact: Jessica Saucedo/ Rail River Folk School 218.766.3837

When: Thursday April 27th 2017 5:30- 7Pm

Where: Rail River Folk School / 303 Railroad Street SW, Bemidji, MN 56601

What: An open forum for voter education, Bemidji community issues around development, food access, legislation as it impacts state and national policy around human rights, a just economy, and an inclusive, equitable local representation. Light refreshments and snacks will be provided. This event is free.

Rail River Folk School is happy to host a meeting of local community and statewide grassroots organizers acting together to initiate voter involvement and voice as we collectively realize initiatives that impact our local economy, health, and development. We will be talking about ways to organize to represent the diverse voice of Northern Minnesota, as it aligns with allies throghuout the state, We will be addressing questions to and from the community about best practices to ensure equity, representation, and inclusive community engagement to gather momentum behind policy than enhance rural Minnesota, in a meaningful, strategic, and sustainable manner. Our voice is stronger together, and we are inviting motivated citizens and neighbors to join us in this visioning process that will also educate us in a way that is fun and engaging to start a conversation with local and state representatives on what matters to all of us, what we can do to work together to decide, discuss, and take action in the most effective manner. We are working everyday to gather people ready to act, change makers, thought leaders, youth, and elders welcome. Our hope is to engage people committed to community, to inform the future of Rail River and Bemidji.


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