Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Headwaters Alliance for Suicide Prevention Meeting

The Headwaters Alliance for Suicide Prevention (HASP) is a community-based group of individuals and agencies coordinating local and regional suicide prevention efforts. The mission is to promote healthy communities by eliminating suicide in the region through education, advocacy & community involvement. The Alliance is facilitated through the Suicide Prevention Program at Evergreen Youth & Family Services.

The next meeting of the Headwaters Alliance for Suicide Prevention will be Thursday, November 17. The agenda will include special guest, Amy Lopez, the State Suicide Prevention Coordinator with the Minnesota Department of Health. Amy will be presenting information about the most recent suicide data and statistics for Minnesota. The meeting will be held at the Prime West Conference Room at 3124 Hannah Ave, Bemidji. The meeting will begin at 8:30am and end at 10:30am. The meeting is open to the public. Contact for questions: Stephanie Downey, Suicide Prevention Coordinator at 218-441-4565 or


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