Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Canvasser - Political Education Committee

Political Education Committee

Canvasser Job Description


1. Be at least 18 years old;

2. Need to have a valid driver's license and automobile insurance


1. Door to Door voter registration

2. Educate individuals on the importance of voting

3. Instruct individuals on upcoming voter events

4. Distribute nonpartisan literature to households or individuals

6. Keep statistics on contacts made, registration, and number of literature delivered

7. Participate in training

8. Other duties as assigned

Reports to Canvasser Supervisor

At least two Canvassers per district

Start date: October 4, 2016

End date: October 17, 2016

$12/hour for 20 hours per week

Please turn in Job Applications to Michelle Paquin, Co-Chair PEC, Legal Department


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Rendered 05/13/2024 14:30