Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Lenetta Jourdain receives award for 35 Years of Service to Indian and Native American Communities

RENO, NV - On Thursday, August 25, 2017, at the 37th Annual National Indian and Native American Employment and Training Conference, Lenetta Jourdain received an award recognizing her for "Thirty-Five Years of Service to Indian and Native American Communities."

This annual conference offered opportunities to benefit from dynamic speakers, have outstanding networking opportunities to help leverage resources and build capacity, and enhance skills to enable the effective delivery of quality services under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act to Indian and Native American communities.

The National Indian and Native American Employment and Training Conference (NINAETC), established in 1979 is the largest and most representative national Indian and Native American employment and training association. NINAETC serves the needs of a broad membership of Indian and Native American tribal governments, consortia, and organizations.

NINAETC is organized as a representative voice of consensus on national employment and training issues. Their main purposes are to:

Gather and share information with individuals and organizations who are involved with Indian and Native American employment and training programs at an annual conference;

Recognize the accomplishments of our programs and individuals who have benefited from the numerous employment and training opportunities provided through the Native American workforce development programs; and

Provide a forum for the members to deliberate issues of pressing concern to Native American workforce development programs and develop strategies to attain the goals of our broad-based membership and communities.

NINAETC currently enjoys a valued partnership with the U.S. Department of Labor, Division of Indian and Native American Programs. Our partnership principles and activities are:

A shared vision of the goals of the program.

A partnership to promote the common welfare and enhance the quality of life of Indian and Native people in their communities.

A commitment to preserve and protect the goals consistent with the policy of self-determination.

A commitment to promote a better understanding among the general public regarding Indian and Native American governments, people and rights.

A commitment by both parties to bring something of value to the relationship.

NINAETC Website:


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