Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Tough women like Hillary Clinton deserve a chance

Even if she wins the office of President, Hillary Clinton will find that she still is bumping up against a barrier; not a glass ceiling but a barrier of greater expectations and demands than any man would have to face – on her intellect, abilities, judgement and ethics, and even her morality. She is facing that now, and has endured it for the past 24 years she has been in the national spotlight.

Take for example, the Trump epithet “Lyin’ Hillary” is reviewed in a New York Times column by Nicholas Kristof, who challenges the “persistent narrative that Hillary Clinton is a slippery, compulsive liar while Donald Trump is a gutsy truth teller.”

Kristof’s piece cites the independent PolitiFact service, which found 27 percent of Hillary’s claims mostly false or worse as compared to 70 percent of Trump’s. Yet only 34 percent of registered voters say Clinton is honest and trust worthy, but 36 percent say that Trump is.


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