Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

A NATIVE VOICE: Education, perspectives and reflections

Editor's note: This is a monthly Pioneer column focusing on Native American issues and topics. Recently, a dialogue started in Bemidji titled "Truth and Reconciliation," which brings the community together to discuss ways to help all communities in Bemidji better understand one another.

As we walk the path on the road to knowledge one can't help but think about one's past history and cultural life-ways. Whenever I have faced difficult life decisions or have had to model behaviors to others I often think; what would my parents say or do, what would my ancestors say or do? Why is it so important to understand our place in every environment and how do we show our younger and future generations the importance of self in a non-self-centered way? And who are today's indigenous people in the United States? Why are indigenous nations critical to the welfare of today's environments?


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