Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Red Lake distributes over $2.8 million to members - P11

RED LAKE - The Red Lake Tribal Council approved a Trust Fund Distribution on October 23, 2014, in the amount of $250.00 for each tribal member. This amount is the same as in 2013.

On December 11, 2014 the checks were distributed to members both on and off the reservation. On reservation members had from 8 AM to 8 PM to pick up the "payment." Those not picking them up would receive them in the mail.

In the last posted enrollment figure posted on the Tribe's Website, there were 11,422 enrolled members. That figure totals over $2.8 million.

Checks reported as lost will have up to a 60-day waiting period before a new check can be issued. A $20.00 stop payment fee will be assessed for each check.

Members were advised to contact their local post office if they suspected their check to be lost in the mail. The 60 day waiting period is in effect for lost mail.

On checks reported as stolen, individuals will be required to utilize Law Enforcement Services.

Checks that are not picked up by March 31, 2015 will be voided and returned to the Trust Account. Those checks will not be re-issued after March 31, 2015.

For additional information for members, visit:


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