Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

QPR - Free to the public - September 15, 2014

1:30 pm or 6:30 pm - St. Philips Church Bemidji


Free to the public

September 15, 2014

1:30 pm or 6:30 pm

St. Philips Church Bemidji

QPR - Question, Persuade, and Refer

QPR is a one hour presentation that covers the three steps anyone can learn to help prevent suicide. Just like CPR, QPR is an emergency re-sponse to someone in crisis and can save lives. QPR is the most widely taught gatekeeper training program in the United States, and more than one million adults have been trained in classroom settings in more than 48 states.

Space is limited. For more information or to register call:

Stephanie Downey at 218-308-8002 or

Karen Anoka at 218-335-7211

NAMI Minnesota ▪ 800 Transfer Rd #31, St Paul, MN 55114 ▪ 651-645-2948 ▪


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