Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Grant Writing Workshop in Blackduck, MN

Grant Writing Workshop in Blackduck, MN

Come meet Region 2 Arts Council Executive Director Terri Widman and discuss regional arts funding opportunities. Artists needing funding to create, perform or exhibit their works and representatives from arts groups, non-profit organizations, schools, or government offices interested in funding arts projects, performances, or events are encouraged to attend. Learn what kinds of funding the Region 2 Arts Council has to offer, how to gather information needed to apply for one of our arts grants, and how to pull all this information together to write a proposal for funding.

WHEN: Tuesday June 24th at 4:00 p.m.

WHERE: The Blackduck Senior Center

Light refreshments will be served.

Please pre-register! Call 800-275-5447 / 218-751-5447 or email


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